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6 Ways To Regain Your Confidence In The Workplace

by Techies Guardian
6 Ways To Regain Your Confidence In The Workplace

6 Ways To Regain Your Confidence In The Workplace – Losing your confidence in the workplace can make you dread heading into the office. And, it may be more common than you think.

Everyone has a hit to their confidence every once in a while, even those that you think have it all together, all the time.

The truth is, disappointment, frustration, failure, and lack of personal confidence develop in everyone at some point. The most important thing is to work through those feelings, set goals, and get through them.

People who feel confident in themselves and their abilities draw people to them, making them natural leaders, and can help inspire a team to greater heights and develop more success for themselves

Below, we will cover 6 ways that you can help regain your confidence in the workplace, if yours has taken a hit recently.

1. Remember all of your little wins

It can be all too easy to get caught in the thought-loop of recalling where you are lacking, or could have done better.

But, all of this negative thinking will just further degrade your confidence and lead you further from where you want to be.

You don’t want to completely dismiss your errors or times that you were sub-par, but quickly learn from them, institute changes, and move on.

To help boost your confidence on a daily basis, take a few minutes to think about the good things you accomplished from the day or past few months, no matter how small.

Did you gain a client? Did you knock that presentation out of the park? Were your ideas at the meeting commended? These are all little wins that you can recall to remember your strengths and just how much you are contributing in a positive way.

2. Make sleep a priority

Work can turn into long hours and short nights, especially when there is a big deadline that is stressing you out.

However, when you start feeling your confidence waning, it is the time to make a proper amount of sleep a priority.

When you are tired, you will feel more stressed, anxious, and irritable. And, these are all a combination that adds up to you not putting your best foot forward.

If you want to feel better about yourself and have more confidence in your work, ensuring that you are functioning at your best with adequate sleep needs to be at the top of your list.

3. Confide in a trusted friend or colleague

Most people a very critical of themselves, so much so that their confidence may be taking a hit, while externally everything may think that you are doing just fine.

Take the time to confide in a trusted colleague or friend that your confidence has taken a hit for whatever reason, and they may be able to offer you some insight, ideas to help you regain your confidence, or simply their opinion of your work which is likely uplifting.

4. When you look good, you feel good

Taking care of yourself and your personal appearance at work can help take your confidence level up a few notches.

Whether you are in need of a few new work clothes that make you feel like a million bucks, or if you are struggling with adult acne, or are self-conscious about hair loss, there are steps you can take to get these things taken care of and off of your mind.

Pick up a new professional look for that big client meeting, or talk to your doctor in-person or online about treatments for acne, scars, hair loss, rosacea, or other common cosmetic conditions from telemedicine companies such as StrutYours.com that may be knocking down your personal confidence.

5. Keep up your outside interests and hobbies

It is possible that your confidence and ambition on a project can be hampered when you just aren’t feeling passionate about it.

Try to work within the realm of projects that really inspire you, and help bring out the best of your abilities to really shine.

But, for those times when you may not be able to avoid a project which is a little outside of what you are interested in, be sure to keep up your external hobbies that do inspire you, as that satisfaction will likely carry over into your workweek and help keep you on track.

Join a sports league, pick up painting again, scuba dive every Saturday, whatever inspires you. You just might gain a deeper perspective and insight into just how you can make a previously dreaded assignment one of your best.

6. Improve your background knowledge

Sometimes lack of confidence at work stems from you not being too sure of your skillset on a certain topic.

The best way to help build your confidence is through reinforcing your knowledge on the subject.

Talk with your boss about taking a course on related information to bulk up your skills, or take it upon yourself to self-study with a few books or tutorials after work.

Being sure of your knowledge and background understanding on a topic will help you face a previously daunting challenge with a new confidence.

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