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5 Tips to Make the Most of Google Adwords

by Techies Guardian
Google Adwords

Advertising is one of the most crucial elements in business if you want to increase sales. Businesses look for advertising ways that can get the maximum benefits at low costs. Google Adwords is one of the most popular and widely used online advertising networks in the world. A PPC marketing company can help you with Google Adwords that will further help you in business expansion and reaching new customers. Let us learn in brief about Google Adwords.

What is Google Adwords?

Google Adwords is an online advertising platform. A large number of business people use Google Adwords to expand their businesses. It allows them to focus on two types of networks – Search networks and Display networks.

  • The Search network includes the relevant keywords that the advertisers bid on. These keywords are relevant for a particular business, product, or service. If a user searches with that keyword in the search box, the advertiser will have a chance to display the PPC advertisement to the users. It is called paid search.
  • The display network is when the advertisers can place banners on the websites. It provides information about their business or a particular product. It has a better reach among the customers as compared to the Search network.

Tips To Make the Most of Google Adwords

Google Adwords management is tough than it may look. From the outside, there may be only a need to add a few keywords, write text block ads and then sit back and relax. Google Ads are more like an investment where you will have to pay for each click. But if not careful, you might end up spending a large amount of money. So here are some tips that might help you in making the best use of Google Adwords: –

Do Not Mix the Search and Display Campaigns Together

If you are not familiar with the differences between the keyword types, your spending can get out of hand. You must understand the difference between phrase, broad match, broad, and the exact modifier keywords before you begin with your Google Adwords campaign.

If you are not clear about the differences between the Search network, conversion rates, Display network, cost per click, CPA goals, then PPC marketing will not be of any use to you. It is better to set campaigns of only a single type. It is one of the basic steps and will help Google understand your content in a better way.

Form Individual Ad Groups of Keywords

If people land on a landing page after they click on an ad covering the same topic that your keywords cover will lead to a high-quality score. It means you will have to pay less for each click, and your ads will be more frequent. That is because Google wants to show more ads that are relevant to their audience. As the ad copy of the products and services you offer becomes more specific, companies get tempted to attach the links to the pages already there instead of creating new ones. That is where they go wrong. They do not work and customize the PPC ad copy to match the landing pages to reduce the team’s work.

The visitors are unlikely to convert if your ads are not related to your website’s landing page’s content is. You can get in touch with a PPC marketing company that can help you get the attention insight for your campaigns to get the most out of your investment for Google Adwords advertisements.

Support Your Organic SEO Activities

According to research, about 15-20% of the Google searchers click on the Google ads, and the remaining percentage pass straight to the organic results. That means the search results are not just the Google ads. SEO is the cornerstone for all digital marketing initiatives. By creating valuable content for your website and carefully choosing the keywords, you can convince Google to rank your website for phrases in the long run without having you pay every time someone clicks. Writing high-quality content is time-consuming. That is because choosing the right keywords that are worth the attention is not a simple task. But Google Adwords can help in this case.

Adwords data is very crucial for SEO keyword research. You can try getting the same traffic for free that you otherwise pay by using certain keywords. Do your research and find out the keywords that are the most effective in driving maximum traffic. Once you have found the right keywords, use Google Adwords to drive the supplemental traffic there.

Run Mobile Optimized Campaigns

It is the world of mobiles. If your ads are not appealing to the mobile audience, you are likely to lose the leads to the competitors that do. When it is about Google Adwords management, you need to have mobile ads, a mobile landing page, and a specially optimized mobile checkout process. People surf the internet on their phones when they are looking for something. That is why you must ensure that your Google Adwords ads are optimized for mobile users.

Take a look over the analytic of your generic campaign. If it is a majority of a mobile audience, you can optimize the duplicate campaign only for the mobile audience by negatively biding the negative amounts for the desktop platforms.

Dynamic Text Insertion

Dynamic Text Insertion is a feature of Google Adwords that allows you to change the text on your landing page. It is an effective way of increasing leads and conversions. It is a very effective way of aligning your landing pages with what the user is searching for. It is an ideal strategy to improve relevancy. If used in the right way, it can help in delivering highly relevant ads for your website and business with just a little extra work.


If you are struggling to generate leads using Google Adwords, these five tips can help you in making the best use of Adwords. Things can get even better if you have an experienced PPC marketing company by your side. It has experts who hold expertise in Google Adwords management and will surely help in generating and converting leads.

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