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Project status dashboard

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Project status dashboard

Project status dashboard : The dashboard’s development for project execution control requires a structured organizational base. Which guarantees a systematic evaluation of a set of indicators. And also, allows a diagnosis to be made to make decisions based on the strategy defined for the Project. The ongoing projects database and Project 2002 provide this organizational basis for the project management strategy.

The project status dashboard is a part of an information system based on a set of critical indicators, disaggregated. According to the functional structure, which allows evaluating the status of projects in each court and accessing primary information. Thus, through the Web pages as an interface between the Project and the database. The most critical indicators are associated with cost, time, quality, logistics, and partial results. The evaluation of the hands allows decision-making based on the objectives and also, strategy of the Project.

The databases of the projects in execution provide an organization that facilitates access to them based on preliminary information, which allows access to complementary information when required. The weighted evaluation in the database of the projects allows the assessment of the indicators and constitutes the basis for the development of Integrated Project Management (DIP).


In the project development stages, execution is one of the most important due to its complexity and the importance in making decisions to achieve the Project’s objectives, in the shortest time possible, within the framework of the budget and with the quality required by the client and the interested parties.

During the planning process, the structured programming of the Project was developed. On this basis, the computer map of the Project was drawn up to facilitate knowledge management of the Project. Thus, an important concept to create a reasonable control of execution with the necessary information.

To achieve the success of the execution, it is necessary to develop team management work. Thus, where the role of the project manager as a leader is decisive.

The development of the Project is a process in which all the stages have their functions. A well-planned project, with the study of alternatives, evaluations, a good schedule, quality definitions, and budget, facilitates the task of management in the execution stage.

The project manager dashboard helps your team stay on track

The project manager panel in Easy Project 2019 offers the most valuable functions for the project manager role on a single screen. All modules are fully customizable to your liking and also, watch the video tutorial to learn more.

Gantt Chart for easy project planning

Are you tired of lagging tasks and clunky spreadsheets? Try Gantt Chart, where you can visualize your projects and plan more efficiently, making the sea process faster, more synchronized, and also, easily transferable

Kanban – Personal and Team Boards

Get an overview of the work and the current status of tasks with Personal and Team Kanban Boards. Deploy them to your personal or team dashboard and update and reassign duties via drag and drop without leaving your dashboard

Project Roadmap

Get an instant overview of your project goals in the form of milestones and all the tasks that need to be completed for the Project to be completed successfully. With the Project Roadmap, you will have an instant overview of the entire project plan.

Quick Project Planner

Quickly plan a project by entering the primary task data: name, duration, and due date. Available in the sidebar of your project page, which will allow you to jot down tasks during the brainstorming phase and preliminary project definition

Report Tools – Charts and Diagrams

View available statistics using pie, bar, and line charts. Create graphs from any of the inputs and prepare  a report on your Project’s performance. Thus, make sure, it should be in a couple of clicks  to show what needs to be improved.

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