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How to Have Data and Files Always Available on the Internet?

by Techies Guardian
Have Data and Files Always Available on the Internet

The Internet offers a wide range of possibilities to users in practically all areas. We can browse multiple websites, make use of many services and platforms, as well as keep in touch thanks to the many tools available. Now, something that is very present in our day to day is being able to take our data and files everywhere. Hence in this blog, we will explain how to always have data and files available on the Internet. We are going away to talk about various methods.

How to Keep Files Always Present on the Internet?

Having our data and files anywhere can be very interesting. Let’s say, for example, have our music always available, text files that we could need at any time, tools that we need to install. In short, have all the really important content anywhere without problems.

This is something that the Internet offers us. We can navigate from one device and have access to the content that is on another computer thousands of kilometers away, for example. Everything remote has become very important in recent times. And that is also thanks to the wide range of possibilities we have in this regard.

Now, keep in mind that not each and every one options will be the same, nor will they be available on all types of operating systems or devices. However, in this article, we wanted to make a compilation of the main options we have to maintain files and data on the Internet at any time.

Cloud storage

The cloud storage is certainly an excellent choice. We are talking about tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and many other similar ones. We can install the software on our mobile devices or desktops and have the content available anywhere.

It should be mentioned that the storage capacity may vary. Normally the free options offer a limited size, while the paid versions can store much more.

It is a simple and accessible option for all types of systems and devices. We can easily save documents and files in our accounts and be able to access them from anywhere.

Hard Drive or NAS

We have seen that there are external services that offer us this possibility. However, we can also have our own hard drive or NAS connected to the network. Basically, it is a physical memory where we can save all kinds of content, such as music, images, videos. And then we can access it from any computer and anywhere.

Here we also have many options. there are servers that offer a lot of capacity, others more limited. we can even reuse our old hard drive to make it a server so we can have those files anywhere.


Although it is not the best place to store heavy files. It is a simple and useful option to especially save documents. It is very popular since we all have an email account that we can open from anywhere.

Here we can send our notes, text files, and small documents that we need to have available at all times. For example, if we go on a trip, we can have copies of the passport or ID in case of loss or if it is necessary to have them digitally.

In this case, we will be limited by space, logically. We cannot send very heavy emails, and also our provider will have a limit that can be quite low. However, it is an interesting option when we are looking for something fast and without having to install anything.

Synchronize Equipment

Another alternative is to synchronize our computers on the network. We can access content that is on a different device if we have it configured for it. For example, access files that are on a computer from a mobile, or vice versa.

Here we will have to pull configuration and tools. It is a more complex option, but it also serves to have files and documents on the network.

Remotely Access a Device

Obviously, we also have the option of remotely accessing a device in order to read the information that has been stored. For example, from the mobile, we can access our computer through different tools to see the screen as if we were in person.

It is another alternative to be able to access the content that you have stored from any device and from any place. We can find multiple programs that help us in this regard.

In short, these are a few of the main options we have to be able to store data and files on the Internet and have them available from anywhere. One more way to take advantage of everything related to remote connections. Of course, you always have to do it in complete safety and not compromise our privacy at any time.

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