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Cyber Security: How to Protect Your Computer

by Techies Guardian
Cyber Security: How to Protect Your Computer

Cyber security protects information, computer systems, and networks from deliberate or unintentional damage from threats. It is also a set of methods, principles, and technologies for supporting the value of information assets by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks.

A significant concern for businesses today is that cyber security breaches can lead to financial losses and damage to reputation. In addition, cyber-attacks are increasingly becoming more sophisticated. As such, it is essential for businesses and individuals alike to understand what they are and how they can protect themselves against cybercrime.

Which sorts of cyber crimes exist?

Cyber security is a constantly evolving field. As technology advances and hackers become more sophisticated, new threats emerge that can affect your personal information and business operations. The most typical types of cybercrime are;

Social Engineering

Social engineering is influencing someone to perform an action or divulge information using psychological techniques such as persuasion, flattery, and manipulation. Criminals use social engineering to obtain sensitive information from victims, such as passwords and personal identification numbers (PINs). They may also pose as representatives from big business and call victims pretending to have detected a problem with their computer’s operating system or other.


Hacking involves breaking into a computer system or network to steal data or change its operation. Hackers steal money from online banks or gain access to other sensitive information, such as personal passwords and credit card numbers.


It’s malicious software that can be used for legit and illegitimate purposes. When used for illegal purposes, malware may allow criminals access to your computer or damage your files or personal data on the computer system they are using. Malware comes in a variety of forms. For instance, spyware is software that automatically downloads to your computer and discreetly tracks your internet activities without your knowledge. It records everything you do on your computer and your keyboard.

Software piracy

It occurs when someone illegally obtains software without paying for it; software piracy may also involve copying software CDs and selling them back to legitimate stores at inflated prices. Social engineering happens when someone tricks you into giving them access to your personal information, such as bank account numbers.

How Can You Protect Your Computer Against Them?

You can protect your computer and system against cybercrime in several ways. Here are the most effective:

Install an Antivirus

An antivirus is a type of security software designed to detect and block malware on your computer. It’s always advisable to have an antivirus on your computer as it will catch any malware before it can do any damage. We have several free antiviruses online, the best and most reliable being the Avira free antivirus. It’s a lightweight solution that protects your computer’s performance without slowing down. Avira antivirus is one of the few antiviruses that gives you full system security and real-time PC protection. The following features of the antivirus are beneficial to both household and business users:

  1. It offers complimentary technical support via its website or a toll-free number available 24/7.
  2. It periodically scans the hard disk and deletes any malicious items or files likely to cause harm. The application can simultaneously scan several PCs at once.
  3. You can remove all varieties of spyware and notifies of any required updates on your computer.

Use Complex Passwords and Change Them Regularly

A strong password is long, contains numbers, letters, and special characters, and has at least one capital letter. However, it should be different from your username or email address.

You should also change your passwords regularly so that if someone does manage to hack into your account, there is less information for them to steal.

Always Install New Updates

Updates are essential for several reasons, including fixing security vulnerabilities and patches that the software maker has released. The most recent version of your operating system will always be the most secure, so upgrading as soon as possible is essential.

Avoid Spam

Spam can come through emails, social media, and credit card statements. Still, it’s often sent by cybercriminals looking to take advantage of your account information or personal data somehow. If you ever receive an email with a suspicious link, do not click on it! Instead, delete the email immediately and report it to your bank or financial institution if it has come from them.

Use Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is another way to protect against cybercrime without downloading an app onto your phone or computer; you only need an app that allows you to verify your identity when signing into an online service or gateway (such as Google). Two-factor authentication adds another layer of security by requiring two forms of identification before access is granted — typically something physical (such as a phone) and something digital.

Install Firewall Monitors

A firewall monitor tracks firewall activity to spot odd behaviors or harmful external logs and ensures security rules, configuration, and processing speed is as required. Adding firewall configurations protect a computer from cyber-attacks.

Many software providers have built-in firewalls that prevent damaging outside information from entering the computer network, which must always be activated to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the PC network. You can download and install it if it is unavailable in your operating system.

Which Other Tips and Tricks Can Be Provided for More Cyber Security?

Cyber security is a big deal, and it’s essential to protect yourself from a growing number of threats. However, there are many things you can do to protect yourself. Here are some tips and tricks:

  • Use a password manager
  • Back up your data regularly — at least once per week
  • Update your browser and plug-ins
  • Remove or disable any software that you do not need
  • Turn off the autopay option in your video players, such as Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer
  • Disable or uninstall any unnecessary plug-ins in your browser, such as Flash or Java
  • Do not open links in emails from unknown sources

Be Vigilant

Cyber security is a constant battle. It’s important to stay vigilant and consider ways to protect your computer from hackers. You can check the security settings for your browser or antivirus software, but you must also practice good computer hygiene and avoid risky websites. Consider the above tips to protect your computer.

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