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Robots Set to Play a Pivotal Role in the Future of Storage

by Techies Guardian
Robots Set to Play a Pivotal Role in the Future of Storage

Robots Set to Play a Pivotal Role in the Future of Storage – As our world advances, the implementation of robotic assistance in our daily lives is inevitable. Almost all aspects of our life incorporate some type of robotic element. While our minds tend to only associate robots with advanced tech companies based out of Silicon Valley, this perception is mistaken. There are not only robots incorporated into big tech companies. They have also established their place in industries such as storage.

As robots have continued to increase their prevalence in our worlds, their prevalence in storage is no exception. McMurray Stern, a storage company known for their innovative practices to maximize efficiency and cost, has already implemented the use of robots in their storage processes.

McMurray Stern has continued to reiterate their commitment to quality, customer service, and swift practices that ensure a faster and more effective delivery. Kenny DeAngelis, CEO of McMurray Stern, has been a major force in this change, one that emphasizes the use of advanced robotic technology.

At the time DeAngelis purchased the company, he recalls, “it had great people (employees been here for 30 plus years), great products, great infrastructure, but it needed a new life and new direction and energy.” However, DeAngelis still recognized that the company could be improved. That’s where the intense increase of robotic assistance in their practices came into play.

DeAngelis notes the differences that have emerged in their production practices since he took leadership: “We’re now heavily embedded into warehouse automation and can design & install fully warehouse automation and robotic systems.” Since DeAngelis has been the CEO, the company’s revenue has increased by almost $30 million a year. Clearly, these technological additions have been effective.

McMurray Stern’s website reveals the robotic technology that they have implemented in their practices: The HAIPICK robot. It explains, “The HAIPICK robot is characterized by its high stability and high precision. The robot can replace the repetitive, time-consuming, and heavy manual storage and handling work. Advantages of HAIPICK robots include: flexible customization, well-suited for a variety of industries from electronics to apparel, increase storage density and efficiency by 80% – 130%, increase in operational efficiency by 3-4x, and rapid ROI.”

Eventually, McMurray Stern plans to center all of their storage operations around the use of robots, software, and AI. These advancements will just further progress McMurray Stern and its mission to ensure the utmost efficiency to their clients and customers.

DeAngelis explains, “Software will be the key driver as AI and machine learning will be more prevalent.” He goes on to mention, “We’re building a state of the art tech center here at our corporate headquarters in Santa Fe Springs, CA to showcase our new products.” Most of these products, of course, involve the use of current robotic technologies.

These technologies are only predicted to advance as time goes on. DeAngelis is eager to grow the effectiveness of his practices along with the satisfaction of customers. DeAngelis has already proven his ability to strengthen McMurray Stern and will undoubtedly continue to do so in the future.

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