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Costly Procurement Mistakes and Solution in Chinese Market

by Techies Guardian
Common Procurement Mistakes and Their Solution in the Chinese Market

Costly Procurement Mistakes and Solution in Chinese Market – When sourcing products from Chinese suppliers, most importers make costly mistakes. These blunders can cost a lot of money or time. Continue reading to find out what these common mistakes are and how to avoid them.

Most merchants are hesitant to source their products from other countries. Well, it’s easy to understand why they’re worried. After all, when dealing with a supplier who is over ten thousand miles away, even the smallest miscommunication can have disastrous consequences. Also, when linguistic and cultural barriers are taken into account, paying someone in a separate and distinct country a large sum of money can be quite risky.

Procurement Mistakes and Their Solution in the Chinese Market

In this blog post, we will identify the most common costly sourcing disasters that importers face, so you can avoid them and gain a competitive advantage:

Not Recognizing How ‘Scale Economies’ Operates

This is a difficult one for any importer, and it takes time to get used to China product sourcing. This is also important when calculating the landed cost of your product.

How to Avoid this Costly Mistake:

When you request quotes from Chinese factories, the first concern you should have is the quantity or number of items.

All of the following factors will have a significant impact on your landed price and product quality:

  • The quotation you receive from the supplier (High-Low).
  • The level of service you will receive.
  • Your personalization preferences (White Labeling, Packaging, etc.).
  • Your per-unit logistics cost.

Failing To Calculate The Future Dues

When importing goods from China, you must pay border duties. If you do not calculate the correct rate, you will be surprised if it returns more than you expected. Duties can be difficult to determine due to the numerous variables.

For example, if you imported woolen shoes, you should consider the country from which the wool came. This is because some countries have duty-free contracts with regard to wool. This as a result would reduce the responsibilities you had to pay.

If synthetic fibers were used instead of pure wool, your duty levels would be higher because synthetic fibers are subject to higher duties in the United States.

How to Avoid this Costly Mistake:

Check to see if your product is covered by the HTS (Harmonized Tax System) code. It is important to determine your duty level. Inquire with your Chinese supplier about this, as they are most likely familiar with it.

Following that, you can consult the HTS handbook to determine the duty rate for your product’s HTS code.

Failure To Apply For Insurance On Your Products

Unfortunate incidents such as damage, burgling, shipwrecks, and so on may occur. There isn’t a high likelihood, but neither is there a zero likelihood.

In most cases, insurance will not be prohibitively expensive. If you choose not to pay your insurance and then get into an accident, you will have no coverage. It implies that you will lose all of your cargo, money, and time spent on the project.

How to Avoid this Costly Mistake:

Insurance comes in a number of shapes and sizes. Cargo insurance could safeguard freight from physical loss or damage during the shipment process. No matter if it is by land, sea, or air.

Failure To Request For A Sample Before Mass Production

There are several types of samples. No matter if you order a product or sample services like an exhibition booth and displays, asking for samples before finalizing is crucial.

If your orders will be in bulk, it is critical to obtain a real sample for evaluation. Actual sample testing can confirm the processing craft, caliber, color, dimensions, features, functions, and efficiency of the sample.

Requesting a sample is one of the best ways to avoid misunderstandings about the finished product you want your supplier to produce.

How to Avoid this Costly Mistake:

Check with your supplier to confirm the details of the sample shipping fee. Some companies may believe it is an opportunity to show more of their product samples. Also, they may provide you with some additional samples or categories in addition to the sample you have requested.

If those products are irrelevant to you, you may be able to incur unnecessary things. Such as additional shipping costs, taxes, and so on, as well as other problems with sample reception. Allow the supplier to display their other products online if they so desire.

Not Writing Down Necessary Document Details

When it comes to writing down important details, there are numerous important aspects to consider. Some of the most common ones are product specifications, packaging specifications, quality standards, terms of service, business accounts, and so on.

How to Avoid this Costly Mistake:

The main goal is to spell out everything on paper that is legitimately efficient in the event of a conflict.

Ignoring the Importance of Necessary Paperwork

Some countries prohibit the importation of certain products for a variety of reasons, including anti-terrorism. Many countries have regulated products as well. If you import specific products from a specific country, you may be subject to additional import or unique charges.

For example, the United States controls wood bedroom furniture imported from Chinese factories, despite the fact that it is a duty-free product in some countries.

How to Avoid this Costly Mistake:

Nobody enjoys paperwork, but importing from China or other countries must entail a lot of it. All documents must be properly released and stored. This is done to avoid significant delays in the processing of customs seizures of shipments or cargo.

Documentation includes a bill of lading, contracts, invoices, compliance certificates, and so on. Trade protectionism and anti-dumping are important factors that contribute to higher duty rates and one-time charges.

To avoid paying such additional charges, you must set up procurement policies within your organization, conduct research and verify that the products you intend to import are safe to import.


If you’re a first-time importer with little knowledge of Chinese suppliers, you’ll face a slew of problems when dealing with them. Problems can arise from cultural differences and gaps, language barriers, and unexpected incidents.

But the fact is that unpleasant things do happen. When something bad happens, you can adjust your expectations and take action to avoid further problems rather than becoming frustrated and complaining the next time it happens.

Don’t be concerned about making mistakes. You’ll learn how to beat them the next time by earning more money. And mistakes are an unavoidable part of the entrepreneurial process. We will gladly assist you with your Chinese import business if you require assistance and guidance.

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