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How to Browse Privately from Chrome or Firefox?

by Techies Guardian
Browse Privately from Chrome or Firefox

Keeping our information and data safe is very important. By surfing the web, we can expose our systems and compromise our privacy. It is true that we can make use of multiple tools and options to protect ourselves, but hackers are also constantly looking for ways to attack us. In this article(a piece of writing), we are going to give you some tips for browsing or Browse privately from Chrome or Firefox. We are going to show some basic aspects that we must always keep in mind.

Tips to Browse Privately in Chrome or Firefox

We have chosen Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox because they are two of the most popular and most used browsers, but we could also apply this in any other browser we use.

It is precisely when entering a website, logging into a platform or service such as social networks, we can compromise our data. We can expose more information than we would like, and that translates into possible problems that may also affect our security.

For this, we have to take into account some important aspects and not compromise our security under any circumstances. We need to avoid that our data can be filtered, that there may be malicious software that infects us, etc.

Use Private Mode

This is basic and is present in both Chrome and Firefox. When browsing the Internet, we can use the private mode, through which our data, browsing history and any information would not be recorded on the computer.

It is very interesting if, for example, we are going to access from a shared or public computer. A way to prevent anyone from accessing our username, see what pages we visit, etc.

Beware of Unencrypted Pages

Of course, to preserve our privacy, the pages we visit will also have a great influence. Always keep in mind the importance of entering encrypted sites, sites that are HTTPS.

It is a mistake to log into unencrypted pages where our personal information could be compromised. We should always bear in mind the significance of entering sites that are really safe, reliable, and where our data is not in any danger.

Make Use of VPN Services

To avoid all of this that we mentioned earlier, VPN services can encrypt our connections. For example, if we are going to log in from a public Wi-Fi network, if we are going to enter Chrome or Firefox from an insecure place, we should make use of this type of tool.

We have many types of programs at our disposal that can protect us, but without a doubt, VPN services are the best to encrypt the connection and maintain privacy.

Be Careful with the Extensions we Install

There is the possibility of installing a large number of extensions in both Chrome and Firefox. We have a wide range of potential at our disposal. Now, are they all safe? The truth is that we can come across add-ons that are actually a problem for our privacy.

That is why when installing extensions in our Browser, we must observe that they really fulfill their function, that it is not malicious software, and that, in short, we will not compromise our security and privacy under any circumstances.

Keep the System and Device Safe

Security will also be vital to navigating in privacy. Therefore, something that cannot be missing has tools that protect us. A good antivirus can prevent malware from entering and thus keep our device completely safe.

This is something that we should apply regardless of the type of equipment we are using. Any operating system can be susceptible to an attack. We must apply it at all times.

Clear History and Cache Periodically

We also have the option of clearing your browsing history and cache periodically. This is something that we can carry out in a simple way from Chrome or Firefox. It is basic, and we must take into account if we want to avoid problems that put our privacy at risk.

Update the Browser itself

On the other hand, the fact of keeping the Browser updated can also save us from problems. Sometimes vulnerabilities occur that can be exploited by hackers to carry out their attacks. They could compromise the privacy of our data.

It is the developer’s thonself who release patches and security updates. This way, they can prevent threats from entering and correct problems. Whenever possible, we should properly update our systems and install all available patches.

In short, these are some tips and basic aspects that we must apply to improve privacy in Chrome and Firefox. The goal is that our data is safe.

Also Read: How to Find out if there are Intruders in our Accounts?

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