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Is your Brand Having Trouble Attracting Customers? Include UX in your Marketing Plan!

by Techies Guardian
Is your brand having trouble attracting customers_ Include UX in your marketing plan

Is your Brand Having Trouble Attracting Customers? – Including UX in your business marketing can be the salvation you’ve been waiting for to improve your sales.

Today, capturing the public’s attention is a tough challenge for brands, and, therefore, your marketing strategy has to strive to improve the user experience from the very beginning. How do we do that? With UX!

In this article, we’ll show you how an effective UX from a professional UI/UX design agency influences marketing and what are the benefits of including User Experience in your marketing plan

How does UX relate to marketing?

Nowadays, experiences have to be impressive to capture the audience’s attention and interest.

As Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.com, says: “We have to see our customers as guests at a party, where we are the hosts. It’s our job to make every important aspect of the customer experience better every day.”

UX in digital marketing is directly associated with optimizing the user experience as a key enabler for marketing strategy. By doing so, brands can increase the chances of conversions to leads and sales.

It is important to emphasize that UX or User Experience is not only in charge of interface design. The primary function of UX is to be a mediator between users and technology. Steve Jobs considered the following about UX: “You have to start with the customer experience and work backward on the technology… not the other way around.”

As the adoption of more technology grows, UX is a great boon to digital marketing because it helps create new platforms that connect with people, which is an excellent opportunity for the future.

Importance of UX in digital marketing

We live in a world that changes every minute. The way we consume and acquire products and services has transformed and will continue to do so.

Today there is not a defined number of user profiles, but new profiles are appearing that challenge how brands can approach them.

It is not enough to offer a product and sell. That has been in the past for a long time. Marketing has the challenge of continually going further by creating experiences around the service.

Therefore, digital marketing strategies must respond to the appropriate use of UX that guides the user to the objective of brands: sales and loyalty.

With the user experience, the website we design for our company must be easy to use and responsive (adaptable to all devices used by users). By the way, know the programs that will help you design an attractive website so that your users do not only stay in the shopping cart.

Therefore, the importance of UX in digital marketing is to generate that users feel identified with the brand and consider it close.

Benefits of UX in your marketing plan

As we have seen above, UX is a valuable tool for marketing because it focuses on responding to the needs and desires of the user.

Below, we list the main benefits of UX in marketing:

You will achieve conversions

Maybe we can be some ‘cracks’ generating clicks from users interested in our ads in our marketing campaigns. Perhaps even our CPC report is a success because our work to capture users’ attention is good. But a problem arises when we don’t include UX in our marketing plan.

What can we do when the interested party arrives at the ad’s website and doesn’t find what they are looking for? Or what if the navigation turns out to be complicated with endless loading times? The answer is simple: Goodbye to that potential customer!

With the UX, that escape of users through the website would end, and, thus, you would achieve more conversions and a marketing plan with excellent results. According to UX studies, it has been proven that a User Experience strategy can increase the customer retention rate by 5%, which increases profits by 25% – 95%.

Increased probability of getting your brand right with users

The user is the one who sets the rules for brands; hence, the high obsession with giving customers what they want reigns supreme in recent years.

To achieve this goal, UX forces you to think about the user at all times and make life easier for them to succeed. Therefore, your marketing actions will be more effective and will generate satisfactory experiences because they will respond to what the customer needs.

In addition, with the User Experience function, you will be able to develop digital environments adapted to the user.

Facilitates analysis and measurement

We know that analytics seeks to analyze user behavior and establish patterns that facilitate their user journey. By studying potential buyers, a sort of portrait of the average user. Can this marketing paper help better develop a marketing strategy and properly integrate UX? Absolutely! Therefore, it is key to include UX in marketing actions because it makes visible the right way to act in front of the user.

An adequate UX strategy in the marketing plan allows analytics to focus and concentrate on the most important stages of the user journey.

It helps discover new audience segments for your brand

UX in marketing focuses on discovering and understanding the new needs of target audiences and new users. In this way, it will be possible to create a well-designed product within reach of what the customer expects.

For this, User Research is important, as it is the part of UX that seeks to obtain information and quality data to create products that satisfy the desires, meet the needs and eliminate the “pain points” of users.

Involves the iterative process to improve the user experience

In the UX strategy, it is important that companies work with an iterative process in order to validate the assumptions made about the user and not assume them blindly.

This brings a very important approach to marketing since it makes the strategy more user-centric, although if it doesn’t work, the best thing to do is to iterate in another way.

This trial-and-error UX trial and error brings continuous and rapid improvements to marketing actions based on analytics and user insights.

Main keys to implement UX in the marketing plan

To make a marketing plan with UX, it is necessary to follow some factors that will help you in your strategy’s effectiveness and meet the desired objectives.

Visuals are a must

Today people prefer to look at images rather than read a few lines of text. Therefore, the UX requires that your marketing actions include images that identify, synthesize, and explain your brand’s web and social media content.

Adapt your omnichannel content

Beyond “mobile-first,” your marketing plan should consider which devices the user is on and which ones they use to search for information, buy, be entertained, share with others, and more.

Write less but get it across

The attention span a user offers to a brand is getting shorter and shorter. For this reason, the texts of your website and your digital content must be simple and short but offer value so that the user wants to read them.

Don’t forget customer service

The UX in marketing pays attention to improving the user experience before buying and after the purchase of the product or service.

Therefore, User Experience demands brands to use chatbots, contact forms, and immediate response to user questions by comments or messages.

This affects user satisfaction and defines the success of a lasting digital marketing strategy over time.

We have learned that UX is a key factor for brands’ marketing strategy throughout this article. Today, it is a necessary fusion that will make you get an edge over your competition.

So, start analyzing everything you’ve read and make your marketing plan with a more user-centric approach. Let’s move away from direct sales messages and start digging into what the user wants. UX to the rescue!

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