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5 Social Media Lead Generation Strategies to Implement

by Techies Guardian
Social Media Lead Generation Strategies

Simply put, social media lead generation refers to any activity undertaken on social platforms with an aim to collect new leads. If done properly, social media marketing can help you generate lots of qualified leads for your business. That’s why nearly 80% of marketers believe it to be an important part of their overall digital marketing plan.

But where do you start?

We’re offering 5 strategies that will help you get more leads on social media.

1. Automate Your Social Lead Generation

Considering the fact that over 65% of marketers struggle with lead generation, automating your efforts seems like a logical solution. In fact, research has found that about 80% of businesses see an increase in the number of leads as a result of using automation.

Using a good lead generation tool can help streamline your social media lead generation process by reducing the time needed to manually collect data to generate leads.  One of the most popular tools is ZoomInfo, but since it’s quite pricey, you should consider using a ZoomInfo alternative that is less expensive yet equally effective.

Chatbots and instant messaging can also help you automate your lead generation efforts. Chatbots allow you to connect with prospects while at the same time significantly lowering overhead costs. Direct messaging, on the other hand, allows you to meet potential customers where they already are and enable them to make purchases without leaving the app.

2. Use Instagram for Social Media Lead Generation

The best social platform for generating leads is the platform your audience uses. That being said, Facebook is the channel of choice for most marketers but that doesn’t mean that you should rule out other social media platforms like Instagram.

Considering the fact that about 80% of people follow a business on Instagram, you should definitely tap into it to generate leads. If you have engaged followers on Instagram and want to convert them into leads, you can make use of Instagram lead ads, add action buttons to your profile, use the ‘swipe up’ feature of IG stories, etc.

However, although a good Instagram engagement rate is essential to lead generation, it’s prone to fluctuation along with algorithm changes, and can be difficult to maintain. Luckily, a good Instagram growth service can help you gain new followers, grow your reach, and increase your Instagram engagement in no time.

Be careful when choosing which tool you are going to use though, as they are not all created equal. For example, many people who have used the risky bot Ingramer ended up banned from Instagram. To avoid this happening to you, look for a service that has a reliable growth strategy and will help you grow the numbers of followers organically.

3. Run Giveaways and Contests

Social media contests and giveaways are an inexpensive way to attract masses of consumers to your brand. And that’s because everyone likes free stuff. According to stats, nearly 35% of new customers are generated through social media contests, and Instagram profiles that host contests and giveaways grow their followers about 70% faster than the ones that don’t.

The easiest way to get a large number of entrants and, as a result, generate social media leads, is by likes, shares, and following. You can also have participants click through to the landing page. Since this isn’t a direct way, the number of entrants will be lower, but you’ll be able to collect valuable data through the contest entry form.

4. Leverage Video Marketing

According to studies, about 60% of businesses are now using social video. In order to create a successful social media video marketing strategy that will help you generate leads, you need to start by setting clear goals of what you want your video content to accomplish.

Next, decide on your platform, and then choose the types of videos your want to share (how-tos, product demo, event videos, etc.). Consider the benefits of each type and choose the ones that best suit your business.

Social Media

5. Work With Influencers

Social media influencers can provide highly-qualified and engaged leads. The biggest upside of influencer marketing is that it is not as disruptive as social media ads. It targets users through the content they’re already interested in, so if you can get some of your audience’s favorite content creators to mention your company, your lead generation rate might skyrocket.

Once you find the right influencers and get them on board, have them create sponsored content, giveaways, and reviews to promote your brand. YouTube influencers can also create and offer exclusive subscription deals or discounts to get added exposure and high-quality leads.

In addition, influencer-generated content can act as a valuable source of social proof. It can be repurposed into content for your emails, marketing materials, and website to generate even more leads.

Final Thoughts

While it is true that using social media for generating leads can be difficult, if you focus your energy around certain platforms and are willing to experiment with different tactics, it can turn into an amazing source of high-quality leads for your brand.

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