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Avoid the Chaos of Remote Work Without Control

by Techies Guardian
Remote Work

In pandemic times, the new normal is the consolidation of a trend: employee computer monitoring software. To help this happen productively in your company. It is important to ensure the availability of all systems used and accessed by the teams. Having a suitable environment with good performance is essential for remote work. Therefore, monitoring VPN, Firewall, cloud, network, apps, telephony, virtual machines, and backups is mission-critical for organizations that want to overcome the crisis.

As experts in real-time data monitoring. We recommend focusing attention on a few items during this sudden change in the working model. Follow below:

Monitoring of Communication Tools

Today, without communication, there is no work or productivity. To ensure the availability of the means of communication between your employees/collaborators and your customers. It is important to monitor the communication infrastructure such as Telephony, VoIP, VPN, Teams, WhatsApp, Slack, etc.

Whatever the communication technology used, it is possible to monitor it in some way. Thus, it is possible to identify the root cause of problems automatically and quickly. Avoiding the rush when the VoIP system is not working, for example.

Network Infrastructure Monitoring

Ensuring that the communication links used by employees support an adequate level of access to the systems, with which they need to work, is a basic task for any IT team. It is very frustrating for anyone not to be able to carry out their activities due to the precariousness of the internet.

Therefore, monitoring the network infrastructure is allowing the work to continue.

Systems and Apps Monitoring

With the pandemic and the measures resulting from a social distance. The majority of employees went to work at home and need to access their applications to carry out their work in the same way they used to access the company. Adapting the applications and monitoring them to ensure that they are accessible and with the proper performance, gives security to the employee to be able to perform his activities normally.

If the home office already causes additional difficulties, corporate systems can no longer be a cause of stress and impediment to achieving good productivity.

User Experience Monitoring

Measuring availability and performance only within the data center, or in the cloud environment. Does not guarantee that the user experience at the end is ideal. That is, it is necessary to measure how the user’s perception is from the point of view from outside the data center.

For this, it is possible to use robots to simulate all the steps necessary for an application to be executed, for example. Thus, bottlenecks and improvements to be developed by the IT team are identified.

Monitoring of the Work Environment Through IoT

Identifying problems in the shared work environment is already possible through applications and IoT sensors. That is, sensors for presence, temperature, particles in energy. And energy become important in the context of physical environments shared between employees and monitored remotely.

This entire ecosystem of IoT hardware is monitorable. And allows greater creativity in controlling the well-being of employees who are working at home. Also you can find more helpful resources at healthsaf.

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