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What is the Role of Identity and Access Management in Zero Trust?

by Techies Guardian
Access Management

In the era of ever-evolving cyber threats, organisations are always seeking ways to improve their security posture. Unfortunately, most of these cyber-attacks are successful due to presumptions that users are secure on corporate networks.

However, the Zero Trust security model has now emerged as a popular approach to security. This model promises to enhance security and follows the “Never Trust, Always Verify” philosophy by default.

Now, implementing Zero Trust requires more than just a mindset shift. It requires tools and technologies, including Zero Trust Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions.

In this article, we’ll explore the critical role of IAM in implementing a Zero Trust security model. But first, let’s glance at what Zero Trust Network Access really means and how one can implement it in their organisation.

What exactly is Zero Trust, and how does Identity Management fit in?

The term “Zero Trust” has become more and more popular in the world of cybersecurity. At its core, Zero Trust is a security model that assumes that everything must be verified before being granted access to resources.

Now, Identity and Access Management (IAM) plays a crucial role in the implementation of Zero Trust. It provides the necessary authorisation mechanisms to verify the identity of users and devices.

A strong Zero Trust Identity Management takes into account the entire session context, including the user’s identification, the device’s condition, the apps they’re using, and the sensitivity of the data they’re attempting to access.

Later, it implements comprehensive policies that specify when to grant, deny, or restrict access. By doing this, both a hacker (trying to access data they are not authorised to see) and a confirmed user (seeking to access data on a healthy device) will be prohibited from doing so.

Role of Identify & Access Management in Zero Trust

1. Granular Control Over Access

Identify and Access Management (IAM) provides identity-based access control benefits such as who can access what and when (a crucial element in the Zero Trust security model.)

With IAM Zero Trust, organisations can enforce strict access controls based on the principle of least privilege, ensuring that each user or device is granted access only to the resources they need to do their job and nothing more.

2. Centralised User Management and Access Revocation

IAM provides a centralised system for managing users and their access, making it easier to revoke access when needed. This way, IAM ensures that only authorised users and devices can access resources, reducing the risk of data breaches.

3. Authentication Methods in Zero Trust

Authentication is a critical component of a Zero Trust IAM environment. By requiring users and devices to authenticate themselves before accessing resources, organisations can ensure that no one is trusted by default.

IAM solutions offer a variety of authentication methods, including multi-factor authentication, biometric authentication, and more, providing organisations with the flexibility to choose the method that best suits their needs.

Final Words

You may be wondering where you can find a reliable ZTNA solution for your organisation. Instasafe’s Zero Trust Network Access is an excellent option that provides an easy-to-use, cloud-based solution that is designed specifically for Zero Trust environments.

With their ZTNA solution, you can rest assured that your organisation’s sensitive data is secure and that only authorised users and devices can access resources.

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