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5 Ways to Hack-Proof your CMS

by Techies Guardian
5 Ways to Hack-Proof your CMS

5 Ways to Hack-Proof your CMS – CMS stands for a content management system. It is a tool that enables a user to create, modify and manage a website’s content without having special knowledge on coding to create a website from scratch.

The content the software stores and manages makes it a target by cyber-criminals. As such, it is essential to protect this infrastructure and safeguard your data. Below are some of the ways to hack proof your platform.

Private Cloud Hosting

Private hosting refers to a system where the company’s or organization’s database, servers, and infrastructure are different from the company. Hosting services such as Liquid Web’s private cloud hosting makes the systems of the organization inaccessible by any person who is not from the company. This kind of hosting is secure as it is not shared, and there is no possibility of other sites bringing down your system.

Backup your Data

Backing up data refers to keeping a safe copy of the same data for future retrieval in case of loss by software failure, a malicious attack, or data corruption. A backup will allow you to recover your information in case of a breach without undergoing severe loss or trying to recreate the same content.

According to Joe Oesterling, Chief Technology Officer at Liquid Web, “It is crucial to have your backup regularly checked and updated.” The backups ensure that in the event that cyber-criminals corrupt your data, operations do not stall.

Install HTTPS for all URLs

Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a collection of rules that govern how the web server and the browser conduct the transfer of information. The URL in the browser exchanges a set of information and instructions with the website server during browsing. The server downloads what is needed for the web page.

With HTTP, the exchange of information is in plain text, making it easy for a third party to see and understand the conversation. At this point, a malicious person can steal and maliciously use your personal information.

To avoid this occurrence, always ensure that your URLs have HTTPS. HTTPS encrypts the data in the URLs using the SSL certificate, which helps prove both users’ authenticity.

Use Complex Passwords

Having a password is a fundamental security principle. However, most people do not understand the importance of a complex and secure password. Some users end up using similar passwords for different accounts hence putting their CMS at risk.

To have a safe platform, always use complex passwords or use a hashing algorithm to hash your password. You can also set the number of times that automatically allows your CMS to block if there are failed login attempts. This way, you limit access and the number of trials a hacker has to go through your website.

Keep the CMS Updated

Unlike the old CMS, most new systems come with continued support, alerts, and notifying you when there is an available update for installation. Updates such as themes, plugins, and any other add-ons largely contribute to preventing hacks. Developers always keep on any threats, and they will release codes and fixes to eliminate the hazards.

Hack-proofing your CMS helps avoid opportunities of data loss, alteration and corruption. The above are some of the proven ways to hack proof your CMS.

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