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VoIP Vs Video Calling: Which Is The Better Business Communication Solution?

by zeeh
VoIP Vs Video Calling

VoIP Vs Video Calling – Because of the pandemic, many people – including business owners – were confined to their homes. And because of this, many more were able to see the value of VoIP services offered by companies like Freeje.

The sudden shift from the norm of going to offices created opportunities not only for service providers but also for those getting such services. Finally, people were able to see its benefits.

But to this day, many are still unconvinced because they think that VoIP and video calls are just the same. That’s why when needed the most, they were not able to harness everything that VoIP has to offer.

To help better understand the differences between the two, we’ve created this post. Apart from the differences, we’ll also share why VoIP will always be the smarter option for businesses.

What is VoIP?

VoIP rids people of the need to use landlines or any particular device. For a long time, we’ve been accustomed to one number being attached to a specific device.

But that’s not the case at all here. A VoIP number can be accessed from a phone, a browser, or software.

Unlike your traditional phone service, it also uses the internet to make communication possible. Packets of data are sent through the internet instead of copper wires, so you can call anyone as long as there’s a strong internet connection.

We’ll get more into VoIP as we discuss why it’s better than just video calling.

What is Video Calling?

Video calling is simply the process where you can see the person you’re talking to while using the internet. Like VoIP, this also uses the internet. But here, visual information is transmitted along with voice.

To date, it’s the most commercially affordable option that you have for the closest thing to a face-to-face meeting. This has also been around for a long time, but it’s only been relatively recently since businesses expanded their communication to VoIP.

Why is VoIP the Smarter Choice?

More recent doesn’t necessarily mean more advanced. But in the case of these two techs, this conception holds true. If you’re not convinced about the benefits of VoIP, these should change your mind:

1. VoIP is an Entire Communication System

If you have your office phone system, VoIP is in many ways the same but better. It allows you to call and do video conferences through the VoIP system so it’s safe to say that video calling is a subset of VoIP.

And with an entire system within your fingertips, there’s so much more that you can do. This includes transferring calls, internet faxing, and many more. More importantly, you can perform most of these functions using internet-capable devices you already have.

In fact, you can even go and purchase a VoIP number using an app. Freeje’s native virtual number mobile app lets you do this in the same virtual space you’d call and text people.

2. VoIP has More Meatures

The features you can get are practically endless. Providers are always trying to offer what’s already available but for a much cheaper price.

On top of that, they’re also offering more that would make your experience better. And the result? A more seamless communication system that responds to the specific needs of your organization.

Video calling simply can’t compete in terms of features because video calling itself is already limited. It’s meant to be a one-and-done deal, so there’s no use to develop extensive features like with VoIP.

The best part? You get features like call transfer and instant messaging for free.

That’s more than enough for a startup and even some small businesses. You can always add more features as needed later on.

3. VoIP is More Secure

Although there are individuals who get VoIP numbers, the clientele of VoIP services largely comprises businesses of all sizes. That’s why security is of utmost importance.

Video conferencing apps like Zoom also offer security. But last year, we’ve seen that it’s not enough. A lot of Zoom calls got hacked. Imagine if this happens to you, and you’re talking to an important client.

4. VoIP is Meant to Maximize Productivity

With a work-from-home setup, many entrepreneurs are concerned about their staff’s level of productivity. Having no eye on the office makes tracking impossible. Thankfully, VoIP remedies that with its available features.

For example, you can record calls to track their performance. You can even access data analytics to see the big picture. And if you think there’s an issue, you can narrow it down from there.

Video calling can’t track performance. Even if you require them to be available their entire shift, that will only tell you that they are indeed working. Not how efficient they are or whether they’re delivering results.

VoIP fills those gaps that video calling leaves. So in comparing the performance of the two, VoIP will always reign supreme.

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