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Proven Ways to Track and Measure Employee Productivity

by Techies Guardian
Employee Productivity

Employee Productivity – Optimizing each facet of your business has recently become a must. This can be done using software to discover bottlenecks and recognize top performers.

A common term has sprung to prominence, and that term is time theft. This means that employers pay their employees even when they are not working. Unfortunately, this has become a massive problem as more and more individuals seek to abuse the established set of rules. Rather than working, they slack off during work hours and expect to be compensated anyway.

However, you can combat this effectively using tools such as time-tracking software.

What exactly is time theft?

Time theft is not simply procrastinating but rather employees engaging in personal activities during work hours. For example, if the employees spend eight hours in the office, they will want to be compensated for that time, even if they still need to complete substantial work.

Around 75% percent of US businesses encounter this problem, especially in the form of “buddy punching,” and it’s no wonder they developed various methods to fight it. The best way to stop time theft is to detect it. You can do this via time tracking software to pinpoint where your employees spend their time during work hours.

If you have the correct data, you can address employee problems and reward those who respect your company and set rules. To achieve this, you can equip all your work computer devices with time-tracking software. This type of software will not cause any problems, and your employees won’t even notice that it is installed as it does not affect the device’s performance.

However, it’s essential to inform your employees that you will use this software solely to boost productivity.

Stopping time theft by rewarding productivity

Speaking of rewards, one of the best ways to stop time theft is to acknowledge hard workers. You should talk about your best-performing employee’s performances during meetings and inform your other employees that there are only benefits to be gained if they give it their all during working hours.

Some of your employees will notice this and realize that they themselves can be in a position to receive praise and earn bonuses. Thus, incentivizing them to work harder and sidelining their personal activities during work hours.

Stopping time theft by rewarding productivity

Be a better manager

While you should avoid micromanagement, you must interact with your employees regularly to discover work-related problems. For example, some of your employees might be slacking off because they dislike the work environment. If you communicate with them openly, they might share information on how the whole office can be optimized so that they can have a better output.

You can talk with your employees privately or address some office-related problems during your monthly or weekly meetings. If you want more feedback, conduct an anonymous survey. Employees might feel that their opinion might get them in trouble and opt not to speak up. This might lead to them being dissatisfied with the work environment.

However, to be an effective manager, you must use relevant data, which further solidifies the need to have proper employee time-tracking software.

Be strict but fair

You can’t expect an employee to fire on all cylinders. Dips in performance and focus can occur, and you need to work with the employee to get them back on track.

To prevent this behavior from spreading to other employees, you should take action and outline disciplinary measures. To put things into perspective, those manipulating the timesheet will receive a small pay cut. Of course, you don’t want to be too harsh for a minor occurrence of time theft. But those that repeatedly commit time theft hurt your business and your workflow, and they should be sanctioned for their actions.

If the disciplinary measures bear no fruit, your best course of action is to let that employee go.

Bottom line

Time theft is when an employee receives money for work hours that have not been productive. To avoid this, modern businesses use time-tracking software to analyze how much work the employee has contributed to the company.

There are, however, some other ways to stop time theft, as mentioned above. So, if you want to be a better business that fosters optimization and productivity, consider implementing some of the methods in this post.

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