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How do you Store and Dispose of Hazardous Substances?

by Techies Guardian
How do you Store and Dispose of Hazardous Substances

If you are having or working in warehouses or 3PL logistics, you need to know how do you store and dispose of hazardous substances. They are not ordinary things but could be highly dangerous, even causing life threats. Hence utmost care is essential in storing and disposing of these hazardous substances called hazmat in the US. You need to have the best hazmat warehousing with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced equipment to store and dispose of such hazardous substances. Also, there are many rules and regulations to comply while doing it, and failing to do it will lead to fines and even closure of companies.

So, check out what hazmat is and the best ways to store and dispose of it effectively and safely to not cause any harm to people and property.

What is hazmat?

As per IHMM or the institute of hazardous materials management, hazmat is any agent or item that can cause potential harm to humans, the environment, and animals. They include physical, biological, radiological, and chemical substances to cause harm by themselves or by interacting with others. They include toxic and chemical substances classified as physical hazards like corrosive and flammable chemicals. Also, exposure to such substances may cause health hazards like chronic and acute health issues. The United Nations classified these hazardous chemicals into nine classes, of which many are sub-divided into many types. It also recommended many specifications in handling, storing, and disposing of hazardous substances that the US government and other governments strictly follow.

What is hazmat warehousing?

Unlike other substances stored in warehouses, hazardous substances need many safety precautions for handling and storing. Hence hazmat warehousing specializes in handling and storing hazardous substances. They have all the advanced facilities to store hazmat free of one another in specific ear-marked places. Also, these places have separate non-combustible and approved partitions at a distance of 20 feet or more from each other. Also, as per the HCS or hazard communication standard, they have labels and SDS or safety data sheets for communicating dangerous information. Only hazard handling trained staff work in these warehouses and have these labels and SDSs.  Hence the hazardous substances are handled and stored safely in these warehouses.

How to store and dispose of hazardous substances?

EPA or the Environment Protection Agency and its RCRA or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 1976 take disposing of hazardous waste seriously. Also, many states in the US have their regulatory requirements apart from the Federal laws. It is only to ensure legality, sustainability, safety, and maximum profitability for hazmat companies. The EPA enables hazardous waste recycling with proper rules and regulations to the maximum extent possible. Despite it, if you want to store or dispose of hazardous substances, you should know the following ways for it.

1) Ensure referencing of the manufacturers’ labels and SDS or safety data sheet to record any relevant information before storing or disposing of hazmat

2) Dispose of hazmat only on EPA authorized sites and not anywhere else as it could lead to violations of the rules and could lead to many issues

3) Please read the labels to know the classes and the dangerous nature of hazmat to follow specific guidelines for storing and disposing of it

4) Many hazardous substances like oil-based paints, fluorescent tubes, glues, automobile fluids, etc. fall under the recyclable category and need to hand over to the appropriate recycling centers

5) It is essential to periodically check the hazardous substances stored for a long time for any leaks or other issues.

The above facts and ways will surely convince you to store and dispose of hazardous substances in hazmat warehousing safely, following all rules and regulations to not cause harm to people, animals, or the environment.

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