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Slow Internet has a Big Impact on Telecommuting

by Techies Guardian
Slow Internet has a Big Impact on Telecommuting - 2020

Remote work has gained significant weight in recent months. Many users have had to start performing their functions from home to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic that we are experiencing. However, the importance of having good resources must be taken into account. In this article, we echo a news item that warns about how having a slow Internet has a great impact on teleworking.

Remote Work is Very Present Today

As we say, working remotely is very present in the daily lives of many users. Many companies have begun to offer their employees the possibility of working from home. It is essential to reduce social contact, limit crowds, and, ultimately, help reduce the risk of contracting coronavirus. We have now seen that Internet speed is very important for all kinds of tools and platforms that we use on the Internet. More so, it is vital to perform jobs. At least according to the experts in a report that we echo, that is not always present.

In order to telework in optimal conditions, we will need good computer equipment, such as a computer and other devices that we use. Also, have software tools that adapt to the needs, such as company programs or VPN tools.

However, something that cannot be missing is having a good Internet connection. The engine will allow video conferencing, accessing the cloud, and entering very diverse services and platforms. The problem is that we do not always have the necessary means.

Slow Internet Connection, a Drag on Teleworking

According to a group of experts that we echo, a bad Internet connection causes remote workers to lose an average of 30 minutes every day. This is a major problem to be able to carry out their functions normally as if they were physically in the company.

What does a bad internet connection mean for telecommuting? We are talking, for example, that the speed is not adequate to download or upload large files to the cloud, to be able to start video conferences without interruptions, to have a high latency that prevents us from communicating properly.

We already know that remote access tools to organizational systems are necessary to telework. In order for them to work correctly (properly), we will have to have a good connection, which gives us the fundamental capacity to do so. If we return to the data, this report that we echo indicates that 89% of workers lose time in their day to day working from home due to problems with the Internet. Without a doubt, we are facing more than a significant figure. A figure that warns that we must improve our connections to avoid problems if we are going to telecommute.

Especially if we extrapolate the data in the longer term, the consequences can be very important for the company and the workers. Losing an average of 30 minutes a day means at least two and a half hours a week. It would be more than 10 hours a month that could delay deadlines for a project or the need to take more hours to carry out certain actions. Therefore, it is essential always to improve connections for teleworking. We need to be able to implement certain actions in order to have the best internet speed.

Improve Internet Connection to Telecommute

Something fundamental is to optimize our networks. Do we connect by Wi-Fi? Something basic is that the signal is optimal. Otherwise, we must use Internet repeaters, PLC, or any device that allows us to navigate with better guarantees.

However, if we really want to maintain the stability, speed, and quality of the connection, it is advisable to surf by cable. Whenever we have the possibility, we can use an Ethernet cable to connect to the network.

It is also very important that we properly protect networks. Safety is essential. Having our Wi-Fi with a strong password can prevent the entry of intruders that compromise us. This key must contain letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and other special symbols. All this always in a random way, and with encryption, that is not obsolete.

In short, maintaining a good Internet connection is going to be essential for teleworking. We have seen that many remote workers are having problems in their day to day because of the slow Internet. We must always optimize the connections to adapt to the times that run and not have problems.

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