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Why Is JavaScript A Go-To For Many Companies?

by Techies Guardian
Why Is JavaScript A Go-To For Many Companies_

Why Is JavaScript A Go-To For Many Companies? – The software development space is thriving. To keep up with the moving pace new technologies are introduced to meet the requirements of companies. However, selecting the right language is the most crucial part as a lot of things depend on that. It can either make-or-break your projects. Hence, It is important to pick the right language that helps you scale your business.

One of the sought-after and widely-used programming languages is JavaScript. Developed in 1995, JavaScript holds a very strong position in the software development market. Leading companies like Netflix, Google, Facebook, PayPal, Microsoft, Airbnb, Uber, and YouTube are already leveraging JavaScript for their development. Small and medium enterprises are also looking to hire JavaScript developers. So Why is JavaScript so popular? Let’s dive right into what makes it the best framework for companies.

Major frameworks in JavaScript

The language has many awesome frameworks that offer great functionality to perform various tasks. You can hire JavaScript developers that can work on the required framework. Some of the popular frameworks of JavaScript are listed below:


React is one of the most preferred frameworks of JavaScript. It is used for building dynamic web pages and applications. It’s an open-source front-end framework introduced by Facebook.


: Angular is another framework that is widely used to develop by Angular Developers single-page applications. It is used for building desktop and mobile web applications.


Another popular framework front end development is Vue. It is a very compatible framework as it adapts to the needs of developers. Some of the leading companies that use this framework are Alibaba and Xiaomi.


This is a very fast framework used for high data processing work. Companies like eBay, LinkedIn, Uber etc use this framework.


: Ember comes with broad client-side functionalities that make development work simple and easy.

What can you build with JavaScript?

The area of application is so vast that you can use it for anything. So you can hire JavaScript developers who can build with it. Some of the tasks you can do with the help of JavaScript are as follows;

Websites and web applications

: You can build dynamic and interactive websites using JavaScript. There are so many frameworks that can be used to create complex web applications. A perfect example of it is google maps.

Web servers:

With frameworks like Express and node, JavaScript has become the apt choice for web servers too. With the help of JavaScript, developers can make robust web server applications by investing less time and money.

Mobile applications

: Another attractive feature that makes JavaScript a go-to application for software development is its ability to develop mobile applications efficiently. It helps you develop applications for both operating systems-Android and iOS. Some amazing examples that are built on JavaScript are Walmart, Instagram etc.

Gaming applications:

If you are looking for options that can help you develop games then JavaScript is your best option. It has many frameworks that offer game development functions. Complex and fast-paced browser games can be easily developed using JavaScript.

Many other applications like IoT devices, presentations, drones, and virtual reality among others can be easily developed using javaScript and its frameworks. By now, you must have understood the importance of hiring JavaScript developers. Let’s now understand why we should consider JavaScript for software development.

Why JavaScript is a good choice for businesses

Although there are many options, I am listing some reasons that give JavaScript an edge over other competitors. Here are a few reasons why you should hire JavaScript developers for your business;

Powerful frameworks

It offers many libraribraries for the developer and all you have to do is choose from the options depending on the project details. In addition to that, there are many amazing features that make the process quicker, cost-effective and efficient.

High-speed advantage

One of the benefits is that it is incredibly fast in the client-side browser. It lets you render animation and other features giving you a seamless experience.

Full-stack development

It was earlier introduced as a front-end language. JavaScript helps with both backend and front end development tasks. For example, Node is a framework that helps you with the development process. Another full-stack framework is MEAN stack which stands for MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and NodeJS. Top companies like eBay and LinkedIn have already leveraged this technology for their own benefits.


JavaScript is one of the most compatible languages that work with different applications. It can be easily integrated with other web pages without needing an extension. It can also be used with scripts written in Perl, PHP etc.

Testing and debugging

It is easy to identify bugs and errors at runtime. The line by line interpretation of codes helps you identify which line has errors. Thus, you can easily identify bugs and errors in your code.


Data security is a priority for companies when it comes to building software solutions. The extensive community support helps you find new solutions to any existing problems. Hence, you can always depend on the security features of this language.


Generally, the solution comes with a huge investment and sometimes the cost is too much for a small scale company. That’s where you need JavaScript. With the help of JavaScript, developers need not spend hours coding and can perform tasks in less time. Most of the JavaScript frameworks are open source and available for free. Hence, a perfect choice for companies of all sizes.

Platform Independent

The code written in JavaScript can be interpreted by almost all browsers. Since it doesn’t depend on any such factors, the script can be run on any platform and browser.

Where to hire JavaScript developers?

When it comes to hiring JavaScript developers, the process is not that simple. It requires both time, effort and attention. It could take days or sometimes even months to hire the best JavaScript developer for the business. You can take help from outsourcing companies that can help you hire your desired developer for the organization. Turing.com is a one-stop solution for developers and companies. Its AI-backed intelligent talent cloud helps by giving you access to the top 1% of developers and hiring JavaScript developers from anywhere. At Turing.com, you can vet, match, and hire JavaScript developers remotely. So head to Turing.com and hire JavaScript developers that fit your needs and preferences.

JavaScript is hands-down the best programming language with a bright future. It’s flexible and allows companies to build high-quality software solutions that deliver results. As time continues to pass, it brings more and more features for businesses. That’s why it is the most preferred choice for small enterprises and fortune 500 companies. If you are looking to hire a JavaScript developer for your business? You can either do it yourself or hire an expert like Turing.com that can help you find and hire JavaScript developers that meet your needs and preferences.

Author bio:

Akansha is currently working as a Technical Content writer for Turing.com. She is a professional content writer with more than 4 years of industry experience. When not working, Akansha enjoys spending time with her family, reading books and traveling.

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