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How to Create a B2B SEO Strategy?

by Techies Guardian
How to Create a B2B SEO Strategy

How to Create a B2B SEO Strategy? – If you’re running a business-to-business company, you know that the most important people to your success are other businesses. B2B marketers have an incredibly challenging job of determining which companies they should target and how. The truth is that getting results in B2B takes some research, effort, and strategy. In this blog post, we’ll break down a series of steps for creating and executing a B2B SEO strategy for your business—and help you understand how to make it work for you.

1. Create Buyer Personas

The first step in creating a B2B SEO strategy is to understand who you’re trying to reach. While it might seem obvious, this can be trickier than it seems. If you’re selling accounting software, for example, you may be tempted to think of your target customer as “accountants.” But what if there are actually several types of accountants? And how do their needs differ from those of other professionals?

The best way to answer these questions is by creating buyer personas—fictional characters that represent segments within your target audience. A buyer persona helps you better understand your audience and gives them human characteristics so that they feel real enough for you and your team members to empathize with them.

This information will help guide all aspects of developing your B2B SEO strategy and making decisions throughout the process – content creation, targeting keywords, designing landing pages, and more!

2. Understand Your Sales Funnel

It’s important to understand the sales funnel process. You need to know what stage your audience is at, so you can target them with relevant content and gain their trust.

This means knowing the difference between a lead and a customer, as well as how long it takes them to make their way down each step of your company’s sales cycle — from an initial “awareness” phase where they learn about you through online research, through engagement and consideration, until they buy from you or sign up for your mailing list. All of these steps are part of what we call the “sales funnel.”

3. Conduct Keyword Research Around Your Personas

You’ll need to conduct keyword research around your personas. Keyword research is the process of finding out what people are searching for. The keywords you choose to target should be related to the product or service you’re providing and relevant to the business goals of your website.

You can use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner tool to find new keyword ideas that haven’t been overused by other sites in your industry (and therefore will have higher search volume).

4. Map Out A Keyword Strategy

You’ve got to find the right keywords for your buyer personas, landing pages, content and paid ads. You can’t just target any old keyword that you happen to stumble upon. Your buyer personas will tell you what keywords they’re searching for. And your landing pages will tell you what keywords are used on those pages. Your content should be written around those keywords. And the same goes for paid search advertising—it all comes back to keyword research at one point or another in the process.

5. Create and Optimize Product or Service Landing Pages

You can’t optimize your B2B website for conversion without having a landing page strategy. Landing pages are important because they’re where your B2B customers will most likely make their first purchase and become familiar with your brand, so you have to make sure they’re optimized for conversion.

To create an effective landing page, keep in mind the following:

  • Keep calls-to-action clear and actionable. Use action verbs like “download,” “purchase,” or “schedule.”
  • Make sure there’s a strong value proposition on each page that highlights why this product is better than its competitors’ offerings (and don’t forget to test different ones!). If possible, include data from research studies or case studies that backs this up.
  • Include a clear headline to describe what the reader will get out of using this service/product—the more specific it is about how it solves their problems or improves their life, the better!

6. Build A Scalable Content Strategy

You may have heard this one before, but it’s worth saying again – your content strategy is the foundation of your entire SEO strategy. It’s the process to create, publish, and promote content that helps your target audience solve their problems. In other words, you need a plan for how you are going to communicate with potential customers in a way that makes them feel like they can trust you enough to spend their money on your products or services.

7. Promote Your Content To Earn Backlinks

In today’s digital marketing world, backlinks are still one of the major factors affecting your website’s search engine rankings. A backlink is simply a link from another website. In order for people to visit your site, they need to know about it through either organic search or social media channels. If you want more visitors to your website and increase your traffic, then you should earn as many backlinks as possible.

Promoting content on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter will help attract more visitors to your site who can then read the content that they are interested in reading. This will lead them to share it with their friends on other platforms like Linkedin or Google Plus, which ultimately earns you additional links and increases visibility for your brand name. When creating an SEO strategy for B2B companies such as yours, this step should be at the top of the list!


In conclusion, we genuinely hope you were able to gain significant insight on how to create a B2B SEO strategy. SEO is just one aspect of digital marketing that businesses can use to promote their companies. As you can see from the above, it’s helpful to have significant knowledge of SEO in order to properly execute a company’s overall plan. In setting up a strategy and priorities, these aspects will help small businesses build a foundation they can rely on as they progress with their other aspects of marketing.

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