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How do Manufacturing Robots Work?

by Techies Guardian
How do manufacturing robots work

Collaborative robots, or “cobots,” have revolutionized the workforce landscape in industrial manufacturing by offering a safe and efficient solution to automation. Unlike traditional industrial robots, cobots are designed to work alongside human operators rather than replacing them.

What is a manufacturing robot?

Manufacturing robots are industrial robots that are designed to automate various manufacturing processes. These robots perform welding, painting, pick-and-place operations, assembly, packaging, and material handling tasks.

Manufacturing robots are programmable and can be configured to perform a wide range of tasks with high accuracy and speed, which makes them ideal for repetitive and labor-intensive processes.

Manufacturing robots typically consist of a mechanical arm, a controller, sensors, and end-effectors (tools or grippers). The mechanical arm is usually made of multiple joints powered by electric or pneumatic motors, and the controller is responsible for controlling the movement and operation of the robot. Sensors are used to monitor the position and orientation of the robot, and end-effectors are used to interact with the workpiece.

Regarding safety, manufacturing robots are designed with various safety features to ensure they can work with humans safely. These features include sensors that can detect human presence and automatically stop the robot and barriers or cages. Thus, that prevent humans from coming into contact with the robot during operation. Additionally, international standards regulate the design and operation of manufacturing robots to ensure their safety.

What is a cobot?

Cobots (collaborative robots) are a type of manufacturing robot that is designed to work alongside humans safely. These robots have additional sensors and features to detect human presence and automatically adjust their speed and trajectory to avoid collisions. Cobots are becoming increasingly popular in manufacturing, allowing for more flexible and efficient production lines.

Interesting facts about robots and cobots in manufacturing

  • The first industrial robot, the Unimate, was invented in the 1950s by George Devol and Joseph Engelberger.
  • In 2018, the global market for industrial robots was valued at $16.2 billion. And was expected to reach $41.2 billion by 2026.
  • Cobots will make up 34% of the global robotics market by 2025.
  • The automotive industry is the largest user of industrial robots, followed by the electronics and metal industries.
  • Manufacturing robots can work 24/7 with consistent accuracy, reducing human error and increasing productivity.

How did cobots transform manufacturing?

Cobots have transformed the manufacturing industry by enabling small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to adopt automation solutions. Traditional automation solutions require significant capital investments and a dedicated team to implement and maintain the system. Conversely, Cobots are affordable, easy to program, and require minimal setup time, making them ideal for SMEs.

Cobots have also significantly improved worker safety by automating dangerous and repetitive tasks, such as lifting heavy objects or assembling small components. This has reduced the risk of accidents and injuries, resulting in a safer work environment.

Moreover, cobots have created new job opportunities in the manufacturing sector by requiring new skills, such as programming, maintenance, and supervision. Cobots have also increased the productivity of human operators by allowing them to focus on higher-value tasks, such as quality control and problem-solving.

In summary, cobots have changed the workforce landscape in industrial manufacturing by enabling SMEs. Thus, to adopt automation, improving worker safety, creating new job opportunities, and increasing productivity.

Benefits of cobots in manufacturing

  1. Increased efficiency and productivity: Cobots can work around the clock without needing breaks or rest, allowing for higher production rates and faster output. This can help manufacturers meet customer demands and stay competitive in the market.
  2. Improved worker safety: Cobots are designed to work alongside humans, reducing the risk of injuries and accidents in the workplace. They can handle dangerous or repetitive tasks, such as heavy lifting or repetitive assembly, leaving human workers to focus on higher-value tasks.
  3. Reduced labor costs: By automating specific tasks, cobots can reduce the need for human workers, thus saving manufacturers money on labor costs. This can particularly benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with limited resources.
  4. Flexibility and adaptability: Cobots can be programmed to perform various tasks and easily reprogrammed to adapt to changing manufacturing needs. This means they can be used across multiple production lines, making them a versatile solution for manufacturers.
  5. Improved product quality: Cobots can perform tasks with greater precision and accuracy than humans, improving product quality and consistency. This can help manufacturers reduce waste and improve customer satisfaction.

The bottom line

In conclusion, collaborative robots, or cobots, have revolutionized the workforce landscape in industrial manufacturing. Cobots have enabled small and medium-sized enterprises to adopt automation, improved worker safety, create new job opportunities, increase productivity, and reduced labor costs. With their flexibility, adaptability, and precision, cobots are an excellent solution for manufacturers. Thus, looking to enhance their production processes while reducing costs and increasing efficiency. As cobot technology continues to evolve, they are expected to continue to transform the manufacturing industry for years to come.

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