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4 Best Practices In Asset Management

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Best Practices In Asset Management

Best Practices In Asset Management – Asset management isn’t a one-time process or an after-thought in business management. Rather, it’s a continuous process to ensure that at all times, your business can manage its assets well and accurately. By doing so, you can maximize the life of your assets, such that they don’t depreciate or go to waste right away. As a direct result, company resources are better preserved. Furthermore,  you can also find the Effective construction management tool on the internet. We suggest Monday.com to our readers.

Asset management shouldn’t be one that comes as a reactive approach, only to be focused on when a problem arises. Being proactive is the better way to go about with keeping your assets well-managed with the use of the appropriate guide–CMMS guide, among others. In that way, problems are avoided and solved even before they arise. An efficient asset management system revolves around having the least glitches possible.

Asset Management

Here are some of the best practices you must learn to apply for efficient, accurate and effective asset management:

1. Hire Your Asset Manager According To Important Qualifications

An asset manager is almost always required, particularly if your business is one with quite a substantial number of assets. But your asset manager will only be as good as the qualifications you set as your standards. So right from the beginning of the hiring process, your qualifications for your type of asset manager should be clear enough. In that way, you have higher standards of the employees that you get onboard your team.

An asset manager who’s capable of managing your assets in the best possible way should meet the following characteristics:

  • Must have a working knowledge of the latest software systems and technology related to asset management
  • Must possess strong analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Major plus if they’re highly skilled in finance and math
  • Must also be skilled in project negotiation
  • Needs to have excellent communication skills

2. Include Your Asset Management Team Right From The Get-Go

If you’re aiming for the best asset management practice, this means that you will involve your team right from day one. This is a diversion from the usual standard of merely teaching your team what to do and what not to do, when it comes to managing your assets.

In pursuit of the best way, including your team means they’re able to learn from practice right from the beginning of creating your asset management strategies. The more you keep your team included, the more they’re kept in the loop as to the standards and practices that apply to your company in terms of asset management.

3. Understand The Types Of Asset Management That Applies To Your Company

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to the different types of asset management that applies to every company. After all, remember that different companies have their respective types of assets. So you have to choose the one you know applies the best to yours.

Generally, asset management can be classified into three types:

  • Physical asset management: This refers to handling fixed asset management and inventory, public asset management and infrastructure.
  • Contractual compliance: This refers to more streamlined processes along the likes of IT management, contractual maintenance, and other intangible assets.
  • Financial asset management: This refers to the process of managing asset procurement, controlling the budget and costs of each, and handling other financial assets.

As you start with your asset management plan, you can begin by grouping your assets among the categories above. Then, have separate members of your team focus on each of the different types. The more specific they are with their job focus, the higher the chances your team can practice the best asset management, as they don’t have to deal with so many different assets across class types.

4. Define What Your Critical Assets Are

A company’s critical assets refer to those things in your company that require more management and oversight than others. A good asset management practice is one that first sets apart what these critical assets are. By having such a checklist in place, more focus can be given to the critical assets.

If your business doesn’t go through this step, then you might make the mistake of treating all assets equally. This shouldn’t always be the case, as there are always assets that require more attention than others. When you can define what your critical assets are, you can manage them better and more effectively so as to give these assets the attention it needs.


Given that asset management still continues to be one of the top concerns of businesses today, it’s not surprising that you have to learn how to come up with the best practices. If not, you can run the risk of losing assets that are essential for your business to run as efficiently as possible.

Depending on the assets your business has, some of them can be quite pricey. The last thing you’ll want is to have spent quite a hefty amount on your resources, and then one day see them all just go to waste. The tips above can ensure that from today moving forward, your company continues to stay afloat with the best asset management practices.

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