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5 Must Know Tips And Strategies For Your Cybersecurity Planning

by Techies Guardian
Cybersecurity Planning

Some businesses don’t realize the risks cyber threats pose to their reputation, revenues, and operations until they become victims of such attacks. While investing in monitoring tools, security awareness, multi-factor authentication, and cybersecurity practices can help protect your company, these safety measures may not always guarantee the safety of your business data. It is why you should focus on proper cybersecurity planning.

Effective cybersecurity planning is critical for businesses to address potential threats and future security requirements, like threat containment. However, if you don’t know where to start, here are the strategies and tips you should consider for your cybersecurity planning:

1. Hire The Best Cybersecurity Team

One strategy you should know for your cybersecurity planning is the importance of hiring the best team for the job. Regardless of your industry or business size, ensure to hire the most reliable cybersecurity professionals as they’ll serve as your company’s first line of defense.

When looking for experts, check their experience, education, and knowledge about the constantly changing world of cybersecurity. Having qualified and certified professionals for your team also helps train your other departments’ employees. After all, training your employees on cybersecurity is a great way to increase your online security.

If you have a tight budget and can’t hire more employees, consider working with a third-party cybersecurity provider. These professionals can help you create the best possible cybersecurity plan for your company. While others may think it’s unnecessary, cybersecurity providers are worth investing in because they also:

  • Understand the latest trends your business should know
  • Know the threats to avoid
  • Have technology that may benefit your organization over time

2. Include Response Plan Development

Every company must include a response in its cybersecurity plan. Hackers have evolved in that they can get through the most advanced security solutions. Therefore, an incident response plan can help you and your employees know who to call and what steps to take during a crisis. It helps prevent cyber threats from escalating further.

When developing a response plan, you should include the phases of cyber threats, such as preparation, eradication, identification, lesson learned, containment, and recovery. Once done with the plan, test it to ensure it’ll work against a data breach. Doing so will help you know which parts require improvements for better protection.

3. Use A People-Centric Security Approach

Your employees can either be your company’s security defense or security risk. Hence why using a people-centric security approach for your cybersecurity planning is crucial.

These days, a tech-centric approach isn’t enough to protect your business from hackers because they often use employees as the entry point. So, to mitigate human-connected risks, it’s wise to use a people-centric approach.

Here are the ways to implement this approach:

  • Establish Accountability

Establishing accountability is one of the best ways to ensure that your employees are serious about the company’s security. Employees should realize their role in securing the company from potential attacks or threats.

  • Spread Awareness On Cybersecurity

Unaware employees may result in catastrophic damage to your business. They might be easy to fool and likely fall into phishing and social engineering attacks. Therefore, it’s critical to spread awareness of the rising cyber threats. Employees must also be knowledgeable and aware of the practices they must adhere to in case of cyber-attacks. This way, your employees will know the proper steps to resolve the issue.

  • Provide Cybersecurity Training

Another way to implement a people-centric approach is by training your employees regularly. Technology constantly changes, which means your cybersecurity practices should also be up-to-date. Remember, an outdated cybersecurity practice can put your organization at risk and leave your door open for threats.

To avoid that, train your employees on cybersecurity-related information. For example, you can have them trained on spotting malicious links and appropriately disposing of technology and devices when they’re no longer being used.

Cybersecurity Team

4. Spend Time Understanding The Threat Landscape

One of the tips to ensure proper cybersecurity planning is to spend your precious time understanding the threat landscape. It’ll help you understand your company’s operating environment, customers, and how business disruptions can ruin your business.

It’s also an excellent idea to assess your primary competitors. Determine what common threats they face and whether or not they experienced data breaches. The threats your competitors face are almost the same threats that may affect your business.

Another crucial aspect of understanding the threat landscape is learning how cybercriminals attack. Do they work individually, or are they organized crime groups? Knowing their motives and the types of resources they have can give you a competitive advantage in securing your company from potential cyber threats.

5. Focus On Developing Security Policies

As a business owner, include establishing a security policy in your cybersecurity strategy and planning. It’s a core component of your overall cybersecurity strategy, consisting of procedures and practices that your employees should follow. Typically, a security policy ensures the integrity and confidentiality of your company’s data and resources.

Security policies describe what the company expects, how to achieve such expectations and the consequences of policy violations. If possible, break down your security policy into smaller parts to make it easier for employees to understand.

Some of the security policies you can consider are:

  • Remote Access Policy

It includes how your employees can remotely access company resources, who can access the corporate systems, and which data or systems can be used.

  • Workstation Policy 

It involves how workers must secure their workstations. For instance, they should lock down the workstation whenever not in use, install anti-virus, apply security updates, and use strong passwords.

  • Acceptable Use Policy

This policy includes how employees must be aware of the company’s requirements regarding the online transfer of confidential data, proper use of social networks and emails, and allowed internet browsing.

  • Clean Desk Policy

It should include how your employees must treat their working area. For example, they should store their sensitive documents appropriately and keep notes with confidential information hidden in plain sight.


Cybersecurity planning may be a waste of time for some businesses. But if you wish to protect your sensitive data against cyber criminals, you must plan your cybersecurity well. It will allow you to re-evaluate your strategies and take time to enhance your current security measures. Moreover, with the above techniques and tips, you can take your security to a new level with an edge over less-prepared competitors.

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